The Man Behind The Band
A native New Yorker and an investment banker whose career began on Wall Street, Jeff Powell, known to most as J.P., was introduced to the world of cigar clubs by virtue of being amongst men of distinction.
As his palate was distinctively honed, so did his desire to have access to the very best cigars available. Powell grew to enjoy not only the pleasure of smoking great cigars but the distinguished camaraderie that accompanied it. It was this realization that encouraged his decision to invest in his passion and to explore the opportunity that unveiled itself—to create a cigar blend that was complex, yet compelling.
The sacrifice was real and only a few would have endured the risks to learn firsthand the process of producing the finest cigars. From the planting process to the meticulous process of producing and preserving the distinctive blends, countless hours and extended trips to the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and San Andres, Columbia were spent searching for the right combination of leaves to secure IT... the IT that is Masculino Cigars | The Sixth Finger.
“My passion grew from one celebratory cigar to another. Every time the team would close a deal, we would celebrate with a cigar. Over time the celebrations multiplied and the leisure experience became a passion. Cigar smoking is about a lifestyle and that lifestyle requires a brand that will stand the test of time. In the end, it is the passion and the vision that has driven me to create something special. A cigar that never attempts to blend in and stays true to its roots.”
I am not oblivious to the fact that life has not always been and will not always be a celebratory moment, so when I do celebrate I like to embrace the moment… Amplecti Momento!