Cigar Catering
Masculino caters to those who truly want the finest experiences which include full service Cigar Bars.
Imagine having a selection of Masculino Boutique and Premium line cigars for your guests to enjoy at your next corporate event or private party!
A cigar sommelier is provided at each event to personally pair each guest’s palate while another knowledgeable assistant cuts and lights each cigar for your guests. We will make your next gathering or soiree more memorable by providing an extra level of class.
With personalized service and professionalism, Masculino Ladies of the Leaf will engage, educate and enhance your next event ~Â Amplecti Momento!
Events include:
- Corporate Events
- Private Parties
- Weddings
- Birthday Parties
- Golf Tournaments
- Charity Events
- Private Dinners
- Poker Tournaments
- Grand Openings
- Liquor Parings